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Golden Crown Guest House
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Hi Elvis, i already paid the deposit via paypal. Invoice ID: 104575 Transaction ID: 6HG74530HR786882U. Please confirm, thanks.
2010-02-07 13:46:00
Our reply :
hi carissa, payment has been received and thank you very much.
Hi, I made a reservtion with an invoice number:104828.i tried viewing my reservation but i can't see it when i click view my reservation button.So, i'm not sure if it did go through. I also have a question,coz i reserve two standard double room.i would like to know if a double standard can accomodate 4 person? and for a standard double room is it 300 per room or 300 per person?
2010-02-07 13:11:00
Our reply :
hi, please make your reservation again. The standard double is limited for 2 persons and price will be Hk300 per night per room. Thank you!!
good day, I already made online deposit for my reservation (order no. 104751) can you please confirm receipt of my payment. Looking forward to our stay in your place,its my daughter's 18th birthday! many many thanks.
2010-02-07 12:05:00
Our reply :
hi, payment has been received and thank you!!! We will try our best to arrange good room for you guys and help you to say happy birthday to your daughter in advance.
good day! I made reservation online for May 25 - 28, 2010 hongkong trip for four,with invoice no.104751, may i please know how much is the total price for 3 nights and how will i know if its already reserved for me and where to pay the deposit incase you ask for it. many thanks
2010-02-06 22:48:00
Our reply :
hi, the total will be HK1500 and we only accept credit card to pay the deposit.
hello... I would like to inquire if there;s available quad room on March 8-12, 2010? how much? how do we go about the reservations? do u accept credit cards? your promt reply would be appreciated. thanks
2010-02-06 21:24:00
Our reply :
hi, The room price will be increased March 05 - March 09 and the room is available on that time. Quadruple will be HK550 between March 05 - March 10. After March 09, price will be HK500 per night.
Hi again Elvis, thanks so much for your prompt reply. SO the total cost is HK5950 for 7 days. SO if we pay HK200 reservation now, then we will only have to pay for HK5750 when we get there? Anyways, my dad is not here right now we will be using his credit card, can I deposit the reservation of HK200 tomorrow? Many many thanks!
2010-02-06 16:06:00
Our reply :
hi, that's right. You could pay the deposit within 48-hour and thank you!!!
Hi, I would like to confirm if u booked me TWO ROOMS ( Luxury - Double room (2beds) ), Preferrably next to each other.Here's my invoice#:104663 Created 2010-02-06 10:42:52. Im booking 2 seperate rooms,not only one. Pls confirm before i can pay deposit. Thank you
2010-02-06 15:34:00
Our reply :
hi, 2 luxury double 2 beds which are all next to each other. You could pay deposit by now and thank you!!
Hi Elvis, before i paid the reservation. Will it be deducted from the total cost of our room when we get there? Thanks
2010-02-06 13:47:00
Our reply :
hi, the total will be HK5950 for 7 days. Thank you!!!
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Golden Crown Guest House